About National Day
Technological University has started the unique activity of celebrating
National/Independence Days of the Different countries, being studied under the Country
Study Report (earlier known as GCSR) program under Graduate School of
Management Studies (GSMS). Every year students of GSMS study various
countries to identify the opportunity for bilaterally trade between Gujarat and
country of study. The tagline of the project is “Think Globally, Act Locally”. Under this project the students of
GSMS carryout National Day Celebration of foreign country to practically study
the cultural part of selected country. It is strongly believed that in today’s
scenario every student must acquire the knowledge about the culture, geography
and business environment of other countries. GSMS empowers the students and
faculties to explore new heights in Global Research. The main focus
of GSMS is to discover opportunities for doing business in seven regional
markets, namely: North America, Europe, South America, Middle East, Africa,
Central Asia, East Asia and Pacific Countries. The national day celebration of
countries was started in the year 2013 under Centre for Global Business Studies
(CGBS), PG Research Centre. CGBS-GTU has also received a recognition from Limca
Book of Records on the celebration of National Day of 50th country
in the year 2015-16. Till date GTU has celebrated National Days of more than 80
countries at its campus.