Professor & Director
Dr. Pankajray Patel
Qualification : Ph.D, MBA (Marketing), FDP-IIM-Ahmedabad, BE (Electrical)
Contact No. : +91-79-23267554
E-mail : director@gtu.edu.in
Dr. Pankajray Patel has completed 22 years of teaching and academic administration experience at post graduate level in academic institutions and 5.5 years of work experience in industries. He also completed 4 months residential Faculty Development Programme at IIM-Ahmedabad in 2003 and then finished his doctorate degree in Management in 2011. He has taught different subjects in specialisation areas of Marketing Management and General Management at MBA programme and has also been a paper setter and evaluator at various subjects of MBA programme conducted by Gujarat Technological University and Veer Narmad South Gujarat University. He has also acted as external evaluator for viva voce conducted in the M.Phil and MBA programme of Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Suart and Gujarat Technological University. He has also acted as external evaluator for viva voce in Ph. D. programme of Pacific University, Udaipur; Veer Narmad South Gujarat University Surat; and Baba Saheb Ambedkar Open University, Ahmedabad; Gujarat Vidhyapeeth, Ahmedabad and Amity University, Mumbai. He has successfully guided 05 students for their Ph.D. He is also a guide at MBA programme of IGNOU. He has jointly authored few papers which are published in National level journals and a case study published electronically on the web site of European Case Clearing House. He has also presented papers at national and regional level conferences. Two of the papers, co-authored by him have won ‘Best Paper award’ at International Conferences organised by GTU in the year 2015. He has been a regular resource person to the Executive Development Programme conducted by MSME, Silvassa. Dr. Pankajray Patel is also a member of (i) Board of Governance (iii) Purchase Committee (ii) Departmental Research Committee for Management (iv) Departmental Research Committee- Management (v) Faculty of Management and (vi) Committee for stopping Un-fair Means in Examination at GTU and (vii) Research Studies Committee – Management faculty at Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat.

Associate Professor
Dr. Kaushal A. Bhatt
Qualification : Ph.D., M.Phil, MBA(Finance), M.com (Adv.Mgmt. A/c),
Contact No. : +91-79-23267539
Email ID : kaushal.bhatt@gtu.edu.in
Dr. Kaushal Bhatt is the Associate Professor, Graduate School of Management Studies (GSMS) and Coordinator of Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC) at Gujarat Technological University. He is new generation of Academician with good hold on various aspects of University Administration. He has sound experience of 17 years which includes, PG teaching, Research and academic administration. Dr. Bhatt has earned Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master of Philosophy (University First) degrees. He also holds two master degrees i.e. MBA (Finance) and M. Com (Adv. Mgmt. A/c) degrees. He has successfully undergone Faculty Development Program at IIM-K (Indian Institute of Management – Kozhikode). He holds highly reputed AMT (Accredited Management Teacher) certificate of AIMA (All India Management Association), New Delhi and CFAP (Certified Forensic Accounting Professional) of India Forensic & Forensic Accounting Research Foundation, Pune.
Dr. Bhatt has participated in more than 55 of International and National Conferences and Seminars in India and abroad. He has published more than 60 Research Papers in reputed Journals and Conference Proceedings at National and International level at France, US, UK and India. He is recognized Ph. D. Supervisor under Faculty of Management at GTU and guiding research scholars for their doctoral work. He has 7 books on his name which are published by National and International Publication houses. He has been selected by European Union (EU) under Erasmus+ funded Program and visited Poland and conducted sessions at Faculty of Management, Wroclaw University of Science & Technology, Poland. He has also carried out two Minor Research Projects with Foreign University Partner of GTU. He is an eminent reviewer of “Emerald’s Managerial Finance” Journal, USA. He is also a member of editorial board of International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, United Kingdom (UK), International Journal of Economics and Finance published by Canadian Center of Science and Education (CCSE) Canada, African Journal of Business Management, South Africa, Standard International Journal of India, etc. He is life member of All India Management Scholar (AIMS)- International, USA, Financial Management Association (FMA), University of South Florida, USA, Indian Accounting Association (IAA) and Indian Commerce Association (ICA), India. His area of interest includes Research Methodology, Financial and Management Accounting, Behavioral Finance, Banking & Insurance, International Business, Business Analytics, etc.

Assistant Professor
Dr. Sarika Srivastava
Qualification : Ph. D., MBA, UGC-NET, UP-SLET
Contact No. : +91-79-23267590
Email ID : ap2_cgbs@gtu.edu.in
Dr. Sarika Srivastava is appointed as an Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Management Studies (GSMS), Gujarat Technological University. She has completed MBA with first division and Ph.D. in the area of ‘Behavioural Finance’ from reputed Banasthali University (Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ grade), Rajasthan. She has qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) with 74% conducted by University Grant Commission- 2012 and UP State Level Eligibility Test (UPSLET) -2004 in the subject Management. She is a dynamic and diligent professional with industrial, teaching and administrative experience of more than 14 years. She has significantly contributed in the field of international relations at GTU while working at PG Research Centre of Global Business Studies. Looking at her rich experience and active participation, she was appointed as a mentor for International Experience Programme (IEP) at Varna University of Management, Bulgaria in 2018. She has published and presented more than 35 research papers in National and International Journals / Conferences. Her two research papers were selected for best paper award. She has attended and organized various Faculty Development Programmes (FDP), workshops and seminars. She is extensively interested in the research work along with teaching assignments. Her areas of interest include Financial Management, International Economic Environment and Entrepreneurship. Dr. Srivastava is a recognized Ph.D. supervisor at GTU and Co-supervisor at Banasthali University. Dr. Srivastava is an editorial member for two reputed journals i.e. Multidisciplinary international Research Journal of Gujarat Technological University and Journal of Pedagogy & Educational Management, Bulgaria. She also has professional membership of ‘All India Management Association (AIMS)’. She has been appointed as a coordinator for GTU Vidushee Gargi Centre for Women Development Cell and sponsored Faculty Development Programmes of AICTE at GTU. She is also active member of various important committees of the university like Board of Studies for Management programmes and Sexual Harassment Monitoring Cell etc. At GTU, She is successfully handling the administrative responsibility of Conference Section from last 7 years and also contributing significantly in the publication of GTU Quarterly Newsletter – Sarthak, Bi-annually Multidisciplinary International Research Journal and Annual Convocation Report of university etc.

Assistant Professor
Dr. Krishnaba Vaghela
Qualification : Ph.D, MBA, B.Sc. (IT), LLB
Contact No. : +91-79-23267513
Email ID : ap2_cme@gtu.edu.in
Dr. Krishnaba Vaghela is a Management post graduate; dual specialized in Marketing and finance & is a B.Sc. (IT) in Computers as well as bachelor in Law. She has a Doctoral degree from Saurashtra University, Rajkot. She holds a professional expansion over Academics & Co-ordination in the field of Management for the past seven years, along with an Industry Exposure. She has two years of Experience with ceramic industry after post-graduation. For the last six years she is associated with academics as Assistant Professor in management discipline. Her expertise includes teaching various subjects viz., Organizational Behavior, Principle of Management, Sales and Distribution Management, Service Marketing, Business law, International Business, Environment for business, etc. To her credential, she has presented papers at national and international conferences and attended various Faculty Development Programs being organized by Management Institutions and other organizations. She has also worked on Research project “Kotler’s incubator for Ayurvedic Medicine” at Gujarat Technological University.

Assistant Professor
Mr. Tushar Panchal
Qualification : UGC-NET, MBA, B.Sc.(Maths)
Contact No. : +91-79-26316015
Email ID : ap_tushar@gtu.edu.in
Tushar Panchal is an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management and Marketing Management. His primary research areas are Behavioral sciences, Service sector, Human Resource Development, Product Market Fit, Entrepreneurship Development and Startup Ecosystem. Additionally, he is handling Startup Incubation Centre of the University since 2016. Overall, total 11.5 years of work experiences with 1.5 years of Industry experience and others as an Assistant Professor. During his career, a total of 20 research papers have been published in various repute Conferences and Journals. He has taught OB, HRM, HRD, Product Management, Marketing Management, Research Methodology, QT, ED, Global Leadership, Value Proposition etc. Research on Employee Engagement for Service Sectors has been completed as part of PhD. Moreover, He is handling GTU Innovation & Startup Centre -Incubation Cell. He is mentor at Startup India and Startup Gujarat. He has mentored and reviewed more than 300 Startup Ideas and is key team members for leveraging various Startup Policies like Startup Gujarat Policy, SSIP, AIC, DST-TBI and providing funds to Startups. He is the pioneer member for developing University’s Regional Innovation and Startup Centre at Rajkot, Surat, Vadodara and Ahmedabad and operationalize these centres with new teams, various sensitization & capacity building programs, networking with experts, startup support etc. Visited National repute Incubation centres across India to get exposure of various Startup Ecosystem.

Assistant Professor
Ms. Sweta Dhungel
Qualification: MHA (Master in Hospital Administration), PGDHA (P G Diploma in Hospital Administration), PGDLGSC (P G Diploma Logistic & Supply Chain), PGDGC (P G Diploma Guidance & Counselling), B.Com. (Accounting & Finance)
Contact No.: 079-23267685
Email ID: ap_sweta_dhungel@gtu.edu.in
Ms. Sweta Dhungel is an Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Management Studies, Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India. She is an astute Healthcare Professional with commendable experiences of over 15 years in Hospital Administration & Operations at various Hospitals of Gujarat such as Bhailal Amin General Hospital, Sal Hospital, Narayan Multi Speciality Hospital, Aashirvad Super Speciality Children Hospital, Smt. SMS Multi Speciality Hospital. She is experts in Strategic Planning, Clinical Management, Medical College & Hospital Management, P & L Management, Hospital Administrative Function, Project Management, MCI Requirement & Management, Healthcare Services, and COVID – 19 Management. She has served as a guest speaker in various Hospital Management topics in Indian Hospital Association, Vadodara. She has attended and organized various workshops and seminars on Hospital Management. She has done Training Programmes of Hospital Staffs in Hospital across Gujarat.

Assistant Professor
Dr. Neela Multani
Qualification: Ph.D, MBA (HR), B.E. (Electrical)
Email ID:ap_neela@gtu.edu.in
Profile Dr. Neela Multani is having more than 11 years of academic and research experience and at present, she is serving as an Assistant Professor (Human Resource Management) at Graduate School of Management Studies, Gujarat Technological University. She is an Engineering graduate and holds a doctoral degree in Management in the area of Human Resource Management. Dr. Neela has published research papers in Referred National and International Journals. She has presented a paper in National Seminar. She has participated in many FDPs, Conferences, Seminars and Workshops. She has managed diverse work portfolio during her professional career. She has taught various subjects such as Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Principles of Management, Communication Skills, Self-employment & Entrepreneurship Development, Engineering Economics and Management, Marketing Management, and Business Communication at Diploma, Graduation and Post-Graduation level. Her areas of interest includes Working Conditions, Work-life Balance, Job Satisfaction and Motivation.

Assistant Professor
Dr. Pulkit Trivedi
Qualification: Ph.D., MBA (Marketing), BA(English), DBEM (EDI)
Email Id: ap_pulkit@gtu.edu.in
Dr. Pulkit Trivedi having more than 10 years of academic, industry and research experience and at present, he is serving as an Assistant Professor (Marketing) at Graduate School of Management Studies, Gujarat Technological University. He holds a doctoral degree in Management in the area of Marketing from Gujarat University, Master degree M.B.A. with Marketing Specialization from GTU, Diploma in Business Entrepreneur in Management from EDI-Gandhinagar. Dr. Trivedi has published research papers in referred National and International Journals. He has presented a paper in National and International Conference. He has participated in many FDPs, Conferences, Seminars and Workshops.
He is an entrepreneur, visionary, orator, corporate trainer, and a digital marketer with unrivalled experience in developing, expanding, and constructing companies online. He is widely regarded as one of the most talented bloggers in India. He’s a public speaker and a professional coach. As a visiting professor, he teaches digital marketing to students at several prestigious universities in India. As a digital marketing expert, he has also closely work with corporates, politicians, and celebrities. He has managed diverse work portfolio during his professional career. He has taught various subjects such as Marketing Management, Advertisement and Sales Promotion, Services Marketing, Production and Operation Management, Principles & Practices of Management, Digital Marketing at Diploma, Graduation and Post-Graduation level. His research interests include entrepreneurship, marketing, services marketing, e-commerce, affiliate marketing, and digital marketing.

Assistant Professor
Ms. Hetal Rathod
Qualification: Ph.D. (Pursuing), MBA (IB), UGC-NET
Email Id: ap_hetal@gtu.edu.in
Ms. Hetal Rathod is an Assistant Professor at Graduate School of Management Studies, Gujarat Technological University. She is a gold medalist with distinction in her MBA in International Business from GSMS, GTU. She has also cleared UGC-NET with Management Specialization. She is an enthusiastic and passionate academician with her primary research interests in service marketing and consumer behaviour. She has served as an assistant professor with two years of teaching experience in post-graduation at one of the reputed state universities. She has successfully participated in various FDPs organized by different universities. She has participated in and presented two research papers at international conferences. She has a few research papers published in UGC-CARE listed and peer-reviewed journals. She has also attended workshops and webinars organized by various universities. She has guided several students with their research projects in the area of marketing at the post-graduate level. She has served as an event convener for the state-level Management Fest organized by the university. Her areas of interest include International Business, Marketing Management, Service Marketing, Organizational Behaviour, Human Resource Management, Organizational Culture Development as well as Strategic Management.

Assistant Professor
Medha Vyas
Qualification: MBA (Finance), B.Com
Email id: ap_medha@gtu.edu.in
Profile: Medha Vyas is an assistant professor at Graduate School of Management Studies, Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat. She has blend background of corporate and academic in which, she has two years of corporate and more than seven years of academic experience. She studies Master of Business Administration from Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University with Finance specialization. She has taught finance specialization subjects like Management of Financial Services, Working Capital Management at post – graduate level as well as Fundamentals of Financial Management, Financial Management II, Financial Accounting Management at under graduate level. She has attended numerous FDPs, workshops, Seminars and conferences at state level as well as national level .She has presented one paper at NAAC sponsored National level seminar and one paper published in IJTRE. Her area of interest includes Corporate Finance, Fintech, Risk Management and Indic Knowledge System.

Assistant Professor
Rajan N. Modha
[MBA (International Business)]
Faculty of Management (Finance)
Gujarat Technological University
Chandkheda, Ahmedabad – 382424, Gujarat (India)
Cell No. 97277 91109
E-mail ID: ap_rajan@gtu.edu.in, modharaajan@gmail.com
Mr. Rajan Modha has around three years of core teaching experience at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has a Bachelor’s in Business Administration with dual specialisations in Finance and Marketing, and he holds a Master’s in Business Administration in International Business with a specialisation in Finance. He is currently dealing with subjects such as Forex Management and Business Statistics. He has had vast experience teaching practical subjects in the business administration domain for the last three years. He has hands-on experience in subjects such as Corporate Accounting, Principles and Practises of Accountancy, Business Statistics, Cost Accounting, Management Accounting and Income Tax. He has published 2 papers in renowned peer reviewed journals also he has attended 2 national and 1 international conferences. His research interests include foreign exchange management, financial management, behavioural finance and investment banking, and derivative market.

Associate Professor
Dr. Priyanka Bhatt,
Qualification: PhD, MBA, M.Com,
Email ID: asso_priyanka@gtu.edu.in
Contact : +91- 9558139439
Dr Priyanka Bhatt is the Associate Professor, Graduate School of Management Studies (GSMS) at Gujarat Technological University. She is Passionate Academician and researcher with experience of 12+ years which includes teaching, Research and academic administration. She is recognized Ph. D. Supervisor under Faculty of Management at GTU and guiding research scholars for their doctoral work. She has published and presented more than 25 research papers in National and International Journals / Conferences. Her one paper won the best paper award. Her area of interest includes Research Methodology, Financial Management, Behavioral
Finance, Insurance and Risk Management, Management of Financial services, Banking & Insurance, International Finance, etc. She has attended various international and national conferences, workshops and faculty development programmer in India and abroad.

Assistant Professor
Dr. Dharmeshdan Gadhavi
Qualification: Ph.D, MBA (Marketing / HRM),B.E (Chemical)
Contact : +91- 6352332506
Dr. Dharmesh Gadhavi is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at Gujarat Technological University – Graduate School of Management Studies (GTU-GSMS). He has over 17 years of teaching and research experience, primarily at Ganpat University, along with 1.5 years of corporate exposure as Executive Marketing-Export. A Chemical Engineering graduate from Nirma Institute of Technology, Gujarat University, Dr. Gadhavi completed his MBA in Marketing from S.K. School of Business Management, North Gujarat University, and earned a PhD in Management in 2015, focusing on Cause-Related Marketing. His research interests include digitalization in marketing, service marketing, retailing, and societal marketing.
Dr. Gadhavi has published extensively in renowned journals, including the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services and the International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets. He has received over 11 prestigious awards, such as the Young Researcher Award (JOSM, Emerald) and the Best Researcher Award (GUNI: President Award). An active participant in national and international conferences, he also serves as an ad-hoc reviewer for leading journals. With a research profile of 343 citations, an h-index of 7, and an i10-index of 6, he has made significant contributions to their field. Dr. Gadhavi has successfully guided one Ph.D. and one M.Phil. scholar, while mentoring three Ph.D. candidates.
Dr. Dharmesh Gadhavi is a sought-after speaker, frequently invited to workshops, conferences, and Ph.D. coursework sessions. He has delivered sessions on advanced topics like structural equation modeling using SmartPLS and served as a Track Chair at IRSSM-12 hosted by TAPMI, Manipal. His international academic contributions include presenting research at IRSSM conferences in Poland and Dubai. In administrative roles, he has coordinated major events like GCeMP and GUNICSH, managed academic programs, and contributed to NAAC and placement committees. His dedication to fostering innovation in management education is evident through his active participation in academic and institutional initiatives.

Qualification: DIPLOMA (CE) , bachelor of engineering in COMPUTER SCIENCE
Experience: 4-year as Lecturer in Diploma polytechnic college,
3 Year as technical assistant
Email: lab.gsms@gtu.edu.in

Admin Assistant
Bhagyashri Pandya
Qualification: MBA-Finance, M.LibISc
Experience: 6 Year (from 2018 in GTU)
Email: Adm_bhagyashri@gtu.edu.in & Admin.gsms@gtu.edu.in

Office Assistant
Mr. Amitkumar R. Parmar
Qualification: B.com
- Gandhinagar International Public School, Randheja, Gandhinagar.
Post : Computer Operator
Experience : 2 Year - Krishna School of Science, Gandhinagar
Post : Computer Operator
Experience : 10 Year - Graduate School of management Studies
Post : Office Assistant
Experience : 06 Year
Email: binaparmar07@yahoo.com

Office Assistant
Pooja Rathva
Qualification: B.sc(Zoology),PGDBDM
Experience: 1-YEAR
Email: oa.gsms@gtu.edu.in

Assistant Peon
Patel Jayantibhai AtmaramBhai

Assistant Peon
Senma Bipinbhai Popatbhai
Qualification: 10th,CCC
Email: bipinravat701@gmail.com

Abiyu Mesganaw Aemro
PhD Scholar
- GTU – School of Management Studies, Gujarat Technological University (GTU).
- Research Supervisor: Dr. Kaushal Bhatt (Associate Professor) Dr.-K.-A.-Bhat.pdf.
- Scholarship: ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations) Scholarship.
Master of Science (M.S.) in Accounting and Finance
- College of Business and Economics, University of Gondar, Ethiopia.
- Thesis: “The Impact of Capital Structure on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Ethiopia.”
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Accounting and Finance
- College of Business and Economics, University of Gondar, Ethiopia.
- Senior Project: “The Effects of Electronic Payment Systems on the Deposit Mobilization of Banks”.
Research Focus: Primarily engaged in Sustainability performance, Green Finance, Fintech, Capital Structure, Financial Institutions, and Financial Performance. Abiyu has a strong academic background with teaching, research, and community service experience. He has been a faculty member at the University of Gondar since 2015.
Papers Written and Presented
- Aemro, A. M. (2021). “Determinants of Private Commercial Banks’ Profitability in Ethiopia.” Ethiopian Journal of Business Management and Economics.
- Aemro, A. M. (2017). “The Impact of Capital Structure on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Ethiopia.” Ethiopian Journal of Business Management and Economics.
Languages Spoken
- Amharic (Native)
- English (Fluent)
- French (A1.1 – Beginner)
Software Proficiency
- STATA (Research and Data Analysis)
- Peachtree Accounting Software
Academic Leadership Experience
- Associate Student’s Dean at the University of Gondar Maraki Campus (2022-2024).
- Coordinated the Continuing Education Program in Business and Economics at the University of Gondar (2018-2021).

Qualification: PhD Candidate at Gujarat Technological University, MBA (Finance and Human Resource), BA(Management)
Contact No.: +91- 6359246508, 8460935576
E-mail: Scholar_mulugeta@gtu.edu.in
Graduated from Punjabi University Patiala in Finance and Human Resource, BA degree in Management from Jimma University, Ethiopia. I have eight years of experience in teaching at Dambi Dollo univeristy and Madda walabu University, Ethiopia. I have been teaching different subjects in area of my specialization and have also performed as education quality assurance coordinator and Research, community service and Industry linkage coordinator. I have published one article alone and other four articles as co-author.
professional contributions: provided training on entrepreneurship awareness creation for micro and small business owners in Robe town
provided entrepreneurship training for displaced household entrepreneurs for surrounding farmers
provided training on entrepreneurial and job hunting skills development for graduating class students of Dambi Dollo University, Ethiopia provided training on entrepreneurship skills for graduating class students at Madda walabu University, Ethiopia

Ms. Nisha Makwana
Email Id: nishamakwana26@gmail.com
She is currently pursuing Ph.D. (Full Time) in Management from Gujarat Technological University (GTU), specializing in Human Resources and Organizational Behavior (HR & OB). She holds a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) from the Graduate School of Management Studies (GSMS), GTU, and a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from GLS University. With a strong academic foundation and diverse professional experience, she has worked as a Teaching and Research Associate at Nirma University and as an Academic Associate at the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII). Additionally, she has qualified the University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test (UGC NET) in 2024, further demonstrating her academic proficiency and expertise in the field. Her teaching experience includes instructing courses in Communication and General English, where she has helped students develop essential language and interpersonal skills. Her research interests primarily revolve around workplace dynamics, focusing on issues such as workplace exclusion, employee behavior, and organizational development.
Tokyo is the capital of Japan.