
Date Circular Detail
12-02-2025Report on Awareness Programme on Exports
03-12-2024Report on MOU Signing Ceremony between GTU – School of Management Studies
& Ahmedabad School of Digital Marketing

23-10-2024An expert session on "Coaching Analysis and Discussion" for BBA semester-5 students conducted by Mr. Vishal Doshi

19-10-2024Report on “Expert Session on Customer Relationship Management”

09-10-2024An Expert Session on Project Management by Dr. Ruma Pal

13-09-2024Advertisement for the post of Research Staff Members for ICSSR Sponsored Minor Research Project

Annexuer 1 Format of CV
10-09-2024Report on Visionary Ventures Workshop
06-09-2024An Industrial Visit to Asian Granito India Limited by BBA Students
05-09-2024Admission on vacant seats for MBA (Internal Business) & MBA (Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Venture Development)
30-08-2024Report on International Experience Program-2024 at UBSS, Australia
14-08-2024Report on Expert Session on विभाजन विभीविका दििस
12-08-2024Report on Anti-Ragging Week Celebration
08-08-2024Report on Expert Session on CROSS CULTURE DIMENSIONS
05-07-2024Report on an expert session on Understanding of Logical & Verbal Aptitude Test
03-07-2024Declaration of the Seven Merit list of BBA provisional admissions
02-07-2024Declaration of the Sixth Merit list of BBA provisional admissions
01-07-2024Declaration of the Fifth Merit list of BBA provisional admissions
01-07-2024Declaration of the Fourth Merit list of BBA provisional admissions
29-06-2024Declaration of the third merit list of BBA provisional admissions
29-06-2024Declaration of the second merit list of BBA provisional admissions
08-05-2024An expert session Report on “PERT & CPM Techniques” for MBA semester-2 students conducted by Dr.Ruma Pal"
06-04-2024An expert session on “Fiscal Policy and Aggregate Demand” for BBA semester-2 students conducted by Miss. Yamuna Lukka. "
27-03-2024A report on the expert session on "Quality Management" for BBA semester-4 students conducted by Ms. Hiral Sonkar
22-03-2024A Report of Expert Session on Database Management System by Dr. Vikas Tulshyan
15-03-2024A Report on “Mera Pehla Vote Desh Ke Liye” awareness campaign by NSS unit of GSMS
24-02-2024A Report on Expert Session on “Hospital Marketing" by Chirag Rathod
11-02-2024A Report on Expert Session on “How to write Effective Content" by Nikita Dongare
25-01-2024A Report on PM Shri Narendra Modi interacts with young voters at 'Namo Navmatdata Sammelan'
06-01-2024A Report on “Campus to Corporate: Career-grooming Workshop”
27-12-2023Report on Thalassemia Test Camp organised by NSS Unit of GSMS D: 27/12/2023
27-12-2023Report on Excel Basics for Data Analysis workshop by Mr. Mitesh Sanghavi
19-12-2023Report on “Industrial Visit at Gopal Snacks Limited”
05-12-2023Report on Expert Session on “Paradigm shift in Business and the changing face of Marketing"
02-12-2023Report on An Expert Session on Lean Management & Six Sigma by Mr. Japan Trivedi
02-12-2023Report on Industrial Visit Startup Conclave 2023
24-11-2023Report on An Expert Session on Meditation & Nutrition by Ms. Shah Bhagyata Pikesh
09-11-2023Report on GSMS-GTU's Diwali Celebration
06-11-2023Report on An Expert Session on Digital Communication by Mr. Mitesh Sanghvi
06-11-2023An expert session on English Grammer by Mr.Vinay Jaisinghani
04-11-2023Report on An Expert Session on Computerized Accounting by Dr. Ashok Bantwa
26-10-2023Report on “An Expert Session on Decoding the Cyber Psychology”
25-10-2023Report on An Expert Session on Computer Skills by Dr. Dileep Labana
21-10-2023Report on GSMS GTU's Alumni Garba Evening
14-10-2023Report on the Celebration AARADHYA 2023 (Celebrating Gujarat’s Cultural Rhythms)
07-10-2023Report on A Workshop on Yoga & Wellness
08-09-2023Vacant Quota Seats Merit MBA(IB)
05-09-2023Report on the Celebration of Teachers Day Celebration 2023 at GSMS
04-09-2023Offline Admission in Vacant Quota Seats of MBA (IB) and MBA (IEV)
29-08-2023Report on the Celebration of Rakshabandhan 2023 at GSMS
19-08-2023Report on Anti-Ragging Week (12-08-2023 to 18-08-2023)
13-08-2023Report of Mr. Sulaiman Kalam, an international MBA(IB) student participation at the International Conference on Solidarity and Sustainability in New Delhi.
04-08-2023Report on Student participation at G20 Empower Summit
30-07-2023Report on the GSMS Students' and Faculty Members' Visit to SemiconIndia 2023
07-07-2023Admission in Vacant Seats after two rounds of BBA Admissions
30-06-2023Second Merit List of PG Diploma in Hospital Management Course
30-06-2023Declaration of the Second Merit list of BBA provisional admissions
23-06-2023First Merit list of PG Diploma in Hospital Management Course
23-06-2023First merit list of PG Diploma in Digital Marketing Course
23-06-2023Declaration of the First merit list of BBA provisional admissions
22-06-2023List of Eligible Students for Admission in BBA programme
22-06-2023An expert session on Cultivating Personal Excellence for Future Leaders by Mr. Masila Mani
17-06-2023One day Workshop on "Data Analysis through Statistical Software"
15-06-2023Report On Guest Lecture Of Mr.Peter Parkar
01-06-2023Report On Expert Session Of Dr.Ruma Pal
20-05-2023BBA Admission Guidelines for AY 2023-24
16-04-2023Report on Heritage Walk
01-04-2023Report on Thalassemia Test Drive For Future Generation organized at GSMS
24-03-2023Report On A Guest Session on
“Marketing Analytics" by Dr. Indra Meghrajani
14-03-2023Report On Guest Lecture Of Mr.Satish Hirpara
14-03-2023Report on G-20 Back-to-Back drawing
13-03-2023Report on G-20 QUIZ
02-03-2023Report On A Guest Session on
“Industry Utility of Business Analytics” by Dr. Dhruv Brahmbhatt
21-01-2023Report on A Guest Session on
“Developing Effective Communication Skills” by Mr. Vinay Jaisinghani
29-12-2022Report on 2 days Industrial Visit at Adani Ports, Mundra
16-12-2022Report on Participation of Mr. Ashhar Ahmed, MBA (IEV) student at International Leadership Summit, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
15-12-2022Report on Awareness visit to different Centres of GTU
02-12-2022Registration brochure of One Day Conclave on "Aarogyam Prabandham" scheduled on 25th December, 2022
30-11-2022Report on Blood Donation Camp organized at GSMS
25-11-2022Report on Career Workshop Adhigam 2022
18-10-2022Diwali Celebration by the students of GSMS
25-09-2022Report on Garba Workshop organized for the students of GSMS
14-09-2022Report on Abhigam-2022 for MBA (IB) and MBA (IEV)
05-09-2022Teacher's Day Celebration by the students of GSMS
30-08-2022Celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi by Students of GSMS
15-08-2022Independence day celebration at GSMS
14-08-2022Independence day celebration at GSMS
10-08-2022Celebration of Rakshabandhan at GSMS
16-05-2022Report on joint webinar organized by ICSI and GSMS on the topic of Goods and Services Tax
23-03-2022Report on Seminar on Art-of-Living
31-12-2021Invitation to Participate in Anushandhan-2021 "A State Level SIP Competition"
30-11-2021Report on Blood Donation Camp for Staff and Students of GSMS
List of Shortlisted students for admission in MBA (International Business) for Academic Year 2021-22
06-10-2021[Academic Year: 2021-22] Admission Announcement for Vacant Seats in MBA (International Business) | Application Form
15-07-2021 Admission Announcement for MBA (Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Venture Development) for Batch 2021-23
[MBA-IEV Guideline | 2021-23][ MBA-IEV Application Form | 2021-23 ]
01-07-2021Webinar on "How to Start a Start-up"
22-12-2020List of shortlisted applicants on Vacant Quota Admission in MBA (International Business)
14-12-2020Admission Announcement for Vacant Seats in MBA (International Business) | Admission Form
26-10-2020Call for Registration: Anusandhan 2020 - A state level summer Internship Project (SIP) Competition Organised by GTU
[Registration Link][Payment Link]
19-10-2020Option selection for students of MBA Sem:2,3,4( remedial) after the declaration of Merit based Progression result and Instructions for filling the Exam Forms for Only the students who have not accepted Merit based Progression Summer-2020 result - MBA Semester :2,3,4(Remedial only).
2020-22Admission Announcement for MBA (Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Venture Development) for Batch 2020-22
2020-21MBA - Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Venture Development (IEV) Admissions for academic year 2020-21